
Mike Ferry Action Workshop

Pictured above: Some of the Big Block Realty team having a great time learning and networking at the Mike Ferry Action Workshop.


Top Lessons From The Mike Ferry Action Workshop


The premise of the event was taking your business to the next level and developing the attitude and skills to perform at a high level.

Below are a few of our top takeaways from the event…


1) Set Your Goal


You must have a transaction goal each year to keep yourself on track. Write the goal down and create a simple plan to achieve it.

Not having a goal is like setting out to sea in a sail boat with no map or steering wheel, you will simply go where ever the wind takes you.


2) Get Out Of Your Own Way


Give up the traditions that are holding you back. Mike says “You can’t develop a high-level of production doing the same things that you have always done” (Unless of course you are already doing 75+ deals per year).

Push yourself to reach a higher potential and do things that take you outside of your comfort zone on a regular basis.


3) Pick Your Strategy


There are many ways to build your real estate business, some take longer than others to bear fruit. For example: prospecting for business daily will bring you faster results than posting ad’s in the local new’s paper or working floor time at your office and waiting for business to come to you.

Based on your business goals pick the method of business generation that will best help you reach your goals. If you have high goals you will need to work to find business daily.


4) Master Your Schedule


If you don’t control your schedule, someone else will. Simply put, you must have a daily schedule that you follow every day.

Just as a pilot has a “pre-flight checklist” that they follow every time they fly, you must follow a plan and do certain things in your business every day to get the results you want.

Keep your schedule simple, workable, and public, this will help keep you accountable and let your peers know when they can talk to you and when you can’t be disturbed.


5) Focus On Your Business


Don’t compete against your competition… compete against your business plan and goals.


6) Reward Yourself


The best way to stay motivated to follow your plan is to build in rewards for yourself.

For example; say to yourself “If I hit my goal this year I will _______________”  (This could be anything. Anything that will motivate you to push hard to reach your goals… like “I will take an amazing family vacation”… or “I will get the car I have always wanted”… or “I will buy my spouse a beautiful new watch”… or even “I want to give a large amount of money to the charity I’m passionate about”).

Whatever “IT” is for you, put pictures up in your home and office to constantly remind yourself of the rewards of hitting your goals.


7) Upgrade everything


Upgrade EVERYTHING. Upgrade your attitude, mindset, attire, professionalism. Everything in your life. Ask yourself how can I upgrade this to live a better life and have a better business.

A big thank you to Mike and his staff!

We had a great time and took away a ton of actionable items to implement in our business plan.

Looking forward to making this the best year our best year in business and wishing you much success!


We hope you liked “Top Lessons Learned At The Mike Ferry Action Workshop”. For more real estate related articles check out one of our many blog pages here.



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